
COMPLEX Base Building Systems Series 2

Created by Raginspoon Toys

Structural components to make action figure displays and bases.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Complex Series 2 June 2024
9 months ago – Sun, Jun 02, 2024 at 06:42:40 PM

Hi Everybody!

 Our friends over at Skeletron were recently visiting the factory in China where both RoboSkull MKII and COMPLEX are being manufactured and we asked them to check in on Series Two. They were able to get eyes on our tooling and confirmed that the factory is actively working on the connectors to move this project along.

 As we shared in our last update, the tooling for the connectors has been a challenge. The factory has made numerous attempts to correct them and adjust the tolerances and none of the corrections so far have been quite right. They are now bringing in a specialist to remake the connector tools so that we can move the Catwalks and Mod-U-Walls into production once the connectors are right.

 The connectors are the critical infrastructure component to COMPLEX. They slide between the panels to hold them together as well as attach the Catwalks, Mod-U-Walls and many of the accessories. If the connectors are too loose, the panels won’t stay together properly and if they’re too tight, we risk damaging the panels. There is a very small margin of success for getting the connectors just right and it can be difficult when manufacturing them to not only connect but also be weight bearing (example, the Catwalks).

In related news, Skeletron’s Roboskull MKII is slated for fulfillment later this Summer. Fun fact – both the Series Two weapon packs work with this amazing vehicle and were designed to fit on the wings. We are working with the factory to have the weapon packs ship out to you at the same time as the RoboSkull MKII to have maximum playability with their release.

 Also, Raginspoon Toys will be at JoeFest this month so make sure to stop by and see us. We will also have a Complex display at the Skeletron booth!

 We would like to thank you for your patience in the face of the continued delays. We will continue to update you as we make progress!

 Team 'Spoon

Complex Series 2 Update February 2024
about 1 year ago – Sat, Feb 10, 2024 at 01:21:32 PM

Hi Everybody!

We wanted to give everyone an update on where are at as the Factory goes into Chinese New Year (CNY).

We received several painted samples that have been molded in their production color, for a majority of the pieces.

The biggest hurdle we continue to face are the connectors and adjusting the tolerance levels so they are of a proper fit (not too tight or too loose). This is the factory’s main focus at the moment. 

As a result the following products are not completed: Columns, Catwalk's, and Mod-U-Wall. All other items are ready to enter or have started production. 

A few things we would like to point out:
1)The + piece and joint fillers look and fit really nice.
2)There are a couple of paint applications missing on the keyboards.
3) The windows will be more translucent than shown below. The factory waits to polish the molds as the last step, after all adjustments have been made.
4) The figures displayed below are from Skeletron, not from Raginspoon Toys but they are being produced in the same factory.

We agree this project is going way slower than anyone would like, although we have made a lot of progress this past year.

Please enjoy the factory sample shots of all Complex Series 2 products.

Weapons Update
over 1 year ago – Sun, Oct 22, 2023 at 06:25:34 PM

Hi Everybody!

Some quick updates - most of the Accessory item corrections have been made. Also, we have started production on both weapon sets. We have pictures below of the Kickstarter exclusive base color. The color is a light grey and should match the U.S.S. Flagg tower. The photo looks a little washed. There is also box art for the Weapons Set.

The factory is now focusing on the the Connectors, Cat Walks, and Mod-U-Wall. Those adjustments are a bit more tedious as the connectors need to fit properly across all the products.

We will continue to update you as things change. We are inching closer to the finish line and we can't wait to finally get these into your hands.

Series Two Update
over 1 year ago – Sun, Aug 06, 2023 at 08:44:31 PM

Hi Everybody,

We received a lot of great questions about the toy manufacturing process after our last update. In addition to some new updates, we thought it would be helpful to review how Series Two is being manufactured and where each item is in the manufacturing process. It is our hope that this gives you a better idea of the progress made and the work that still needs to be completed.

Since our June update, the factory has been hard at work correcting the tooling issues we shared with you. After meeting with our factory rep this week, we are happy to report many of those issues have been addressed. Several of the tools are down to just a couple of revisions left. Below we will go over the manufacturing process and where each item stands and what corrections still need to be made.

At a high level, there are four basic steps to manufacturing plastic toys – Design, Tool, Produce and Ship. However, each of these steps involves so much more. We’ve attempted to outline what goes into each of these steps in the graphic below. Because we are shipping the entire product in one shipment, we cannot enter the Ship-stage until we are entirely out of the Produce-stage.

This project has taken far longer than anyone could have anticipated when we funded this Kickstarter on March 02, 2020. Complications such as a global pandemic, global supply chain disruption, as well as labor and material shortages were not factored into our time estimates. Some of you have taken the time to share your frustrations with us and we empathize with you – it has taken far too long. Despite the challenges of the past several years, we continue to work closely with our factory to get this project completed and into your hands. The image below is from our March 2023 review with the factory on the gun sets and missile pods. There were so many changes still needed at the time that it seemed daunting. We're now down to just three changes left on the gun sets and missile pods. We're making progress. 

Revision notes from March 2023 on the Gun Set and Missile Pods. We're are making progress!

Our current focus is the above-listed revisions and retooling as we are pushing to get them completed as soon as possible. We want to ensure we provide a product that meets our own high expectations. We are expecting new samples to be mailed to us in the upcoming weeks to review the changes and ensure they are correct. We will update you with pictures when they arrive. 

We appreciate each of one of you for helping get the COMPLEX: Series Two project off the ground and your continued support as we work to see this project through to completion. As always, we can’t wait to get Series Two into your hands.

Series Two Update
over 1 year ago – Wed, Jun 07, 2023 at 01:33:42 PM

Hi Complex-itors,

It's been too long since our last update.

We received some new samples from the factory to go over this week.

While they are making more progress as of late the factory have obviously missed the updated timeline that was given to us at the end of December.

All the major tooling has been completed but small corrections need to be made to several pieces. Below you will find a status update for each set.

Completed: 100% ready to be produced

⁃ Stairs

⁃ Accessories Set 1

Close: 70 - 90% of corrections have been made.

⁃ Catwalks

⁃ Columns

⁃ Accessories Set 3

⁃ Mod-U-Wall

Far: 50 - 70% of corrections made

⁃ Accessories Set 2

⁃ Missile Set

⁃ Gun Set

Several positive changes and updates being made with the tooling to get Complex into your hands.  We have included some images the newly added textures as well as the box samples for the Accessories Set 1 and Stairs.

While we proceed at what feels like a snail’s pace, I again thank all of you for your continued support as we work to complete Series Two.

We will be attending JoeFest this week as well to show off what updates the factory has given us.

Team 'Spoon

Box Art